Friday 5 August 2011


There are millions of gates of different types. Gates are a very crucial part of the foundations of any kingdom. The foundation of any kingdom is composed of its gates, altars, and covenants. To destroy anything successfully, you need to go to its foundation.

This is why battles fought, are usually won, or lost at the gates (Isaiah28: 5, 6). To take and conquer any place or kingdom you will need to take the gates thereof. For example, when we possess the gates of our enemies or the gates of hell, we possess that entire territory not just a particular structure (Genesis 22:17, 24:60, cf. Matthew 16:18).

Any point of contact can be referred to as a gate. Therefore, altars as well as covenants can be referred to as gates.

Rules of Spiritual Warfare        
The first rule in spiritual warfare is to locate the enemy. Secondly you locate his source of strength. For example Pharaoh’s power base was the Nile River. After you locate his source of strength look for places through which he channels that power. This includes altars, gates, covenants, devices and keys that he has been using. The fourth rule is to assess his strength relative to yours – Who is our strength? What is our Strength? God is our strength. When you have that information you can begin to concentrate your firepower and never relent until he is finally eliminated. Most importantly, ensure that the Holy Spirit occupies the enemy’s territory because there cannot be any vacuum anywhere.

There is no vacuum in the realm of the spirit or the physical. Though some places might look as though they were empty, they are not. There is no space in a room that is left unfilled. Every part of a room is filled. It depends on what is filling the room. When you empty a glass of water, it is not empty; it’s full of air. Remember God said, ‘I am not going to drive away all the people at the same time, lest the wild animals take over because there will be no vacuum even on the land. So I will drive them away a little at a time until you have increased enough to take over” (Exod 23:29-30).

In Genesis 3:15, God says that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent and the serpent will bruise his heel. Jesus came as the seed of the woman, and the seed of Abraham, to leave behind  people after His kind, who will destroy the works of the devil. He then ascended on high, led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men. We are the ones who are to use what is given to us now to destroy the works of the devil.

GOD’S PURPOSE FOR THE CHURCH (Matthew 16: 16-19)
God’s purpose for the Church is to possess the gates of the Kingdom of God including the gates of the prison houses such as hell and all rebel territories currently under enemy control. This is why, I believe in Matthew16: 16 – 19, Jesus said, “ . . . upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it . . . and I’ll give you the keys of the kingdom . . .”

The Holy Spirit is the Master Executor of all of God’s plans, purposes, and programmes. This is why His gifts and manifestations were given to build up the body of Christ until we come to the unity of faith and to the knowledge of the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ. This includes building up the church in warfare in such a way that we destroy the works of the devil, much more by the quality of our lives, than by just binding and loosing. For example, by the fruit of the Spirit, as a result of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we can combat any work of the flesh.

The Holy Spirit has come to build the Church. So when Jesus says ‘on this rock I will build my church,’ the one to build it is the finger of God: the Holy Spirit. He is putting everything in place, and in shape: ensuring everything is the way it should be (Psalm104: 30; Matthew 12:28; Luke 11:20).

Psalm 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.

Matthew 12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. (Luke 11:20 But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.)

Any church that is not built by the Holy Spirit but by man will not stand the test of time: it will crumble. Even if the Holy Spirit started that church but then He is driven out and not allowed to continue to run it, it will eventually collapse.

Every one of us needs to have the clear understanding that God put the Holy Spirit here as the one we must always be in constant fellowship with to tell us what to do every step of the way. As the Master operator of all of God’s weapons, He has what it takes to help us establish the supremacy of God’s Kingdom over all other kingdoms.

What is a Gate?
The Longman Dictionary of the English Language defines a gate as; ‘An opening in a wall or fence, or a city or castle entrance, often with defensive structures (e.g. Towers).”

A gate is any port of access used for the purpose of both entry and exit.
Any port of access is a gate that is why they are called ports, such as seaports, airports, etc. These ports of access could be in the spiritual realm, the realm of the soul, or the realm of the physical. They could be visible or invisible and we ought to know how to deal with these gates.

Any point of contact that is used for the purpose of gaining access to you or giving you access, whether it is in the spirit realm, the realm of the soul, and the physical realm, or the realm of the unseen world is a gate. Even the door leading to your house or office is a gate; windows are also gates; roofs are also gates. Our hearts, our eyes, our mouths, our ears, our feet and our hands are all gates. Television sets, telephones, radio sets, computers are all gates since they all serve as ports of access.

Since gates are not only physical: you might not always need to enter a gate literally or physically. That is why sometimes witches, for example, may make a contact with a person on the phone and thereafter the person dies. What ensures the success of these powers? They understand gates and use this understanding against the church, which ironically lacks the requisite understanding, let alone operate at that high level.

Gates are Immigration Posts
This is where your entry into nations will be allowed or disallowed. There are always immigration officers. These could be angels, men or other parts of creation. (Daniel 10:12-21, Cf. Matthew 28:2, Joshua 20: 4- 6)

Gates are also Security Check Points as seen in Esther 2:21, Isaiah 28: 5&6, (Joshua 8), Judges 9:52 & 53, 2Kings 6, (Mark 1:33-37 cf. Psalm 101:8) see Daniel 10:12 &13. It means if there are coup d’etats being planned, you could easily detect that.

Gates are Embassies, where you go to get a visa and the ambassadors reside and visit their home country from time to time. Ezekiel 8:14 (44:3), Daniel 2:48 &49, Matthew 16: 18 – 20,

Gates are Decision Making Places
Decision-Making Places are also types of Gates. These are the places where decisions are normally taken and such places are gates. The King sits at the gate (Deuteronomy 25:5-10, Isaiah 28: 5&6, Joshua 20:1, Jeremiah 17: 19-27). 

Gates are Places for Transactions
Places where transactions are made are Gates. These transactions could be business, legal, marital, etc., (Ruth 4:1, Deuteronomy 25:5-10 Genesis 23, Deuteronomy 16:18).

Gates are places where Altars, Thrones, etc., are set.
In our villages, the main altar of the family is usually set at the entrance of the house of the family head, where all sacrifices are offered. Thrones are also set at the gates. 2Chronicles 18:9, Esther 5:1, Jeremiah 38:7, 1:15 (4:38), 2Samuel 18:24, 2Kiings 19:8; Exodus 35:15; 40:5,6; 28:29 (Leviticus 1:5, 3:2, 4:7,18; 17:6&7) 2Chronicles 8:12, 15:8, Ezekiel 8 & 11, Joel 2:17.

Other scriptures worth investigating are Isaiah 28:5&6, Micah 5:6, Judges 5:8, (2Kings 28:8), Psalm 87:2, cf. Leviticus 17:6&7, Revelation 4:1, 21:12, Isaiah 57:9 (1-10), Proverbs 8:2-4.

Excerpt from The Book "Praying Through The Gates of Time" By Pastor Abu Bako. To be continued

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